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PI instructions for NFR for Well Fargo-Please Read

Good Morning to all reps:

We are working thru the process of changing over the postings for Well Fargo for all clients. Each one of the clients is getting on board with Wells Fargo requirements at their own pace. Remember these vacant stickers are color coded and client specific.

  • The Black bar at the top/Field Vendor #3 is for NFR ONLY.

The Brown bar at the top/Field Vendor #4 is for MCS ONLY.

The Green bar at the top is a client that we do not currently work for, so we should have no inspections with a Green bar at this time.

  • We have received numerous push backs/rechecks from NFR for Wells Fargo for failure to follow the instructions for vacant postings and failure to post the correct client posting. The instructions were confusing due to the verbiage in the instructions pertaining to no contact. This applies specifically for WFHM and WFF.

The Wells Fargo Home Mortgage has two types of no contact instructions.

One set of instructions requires a Vacancy Posting if the property is found vacant. If vacant posting required.

Verify Occupancy. Do not contact. If FTV post WFHM Posting and provide a photo. Provide Eyeball Estimate of Dmgs *1 Front Photo, House #, L/B if onsite, Damages, Violations/Postings, F/S Sign, Photos MUST show what you report*

One set of instructions does not allow us to go onto the property. Public access only.

“Complete between 05/16 and 05/22 with preferred date of 05/17. Property Inspection - Verify Occupancy from public right of way. Do NOT Contact Occupant or Neighbors. Provide Eyeball Estimate of Dmgs. “

Even though this is labelled/called a FTV sticker, it is posted and remains posted until replaced by Post Secure sticker. The original instructions that I sent out for MCS on behalf of Wells Fargo states that we are to replace the FTV sticker if this sticker gets damaged or removed. We also are to remove all old postings. If you take a photo of old postings, the client thinks we posted them or we left them on the property. The only posting that you should not remove are violations and winterization.

This FTV posting is to be placed above the front door knob.

If you are out of these stickers, please advise PNA.

If you have any type of questions or concerns about an inspection, please call PNA before you go out or while you are at the property whether it is a posting, access, photo requirements, or any other issue. If it is after hours, then you must call me on my cell phone.


Dwain Neff

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