Important! Alliance Memo : Spectrum Vacancy Reminders
Good morning to all Reps:
Below is an email I received covering the procedures for Spectrum vacancy notices. It is very detailed and takes you step by step process for each Spectrum client. Remember, ALL vacancy notices and door hangers for ALL clients are LENDER and Work Code specific. If you are completing an inspection from one month to the next and the client/lender changes, then you must remove the old notices and post the current client/lender notice. If the notice is missing or it is in bad condition, replace it with a new one. Remember Door Hangers are NOT postings as they contain private information. Door Hangers, must be in a sealed envelope marked “confidential”. Some Vacancy notices still show FTV, but they are actually required even if it was previously vacant, so if the FTV posting is missing, replace it.
If for any reason you are not sure what notice or door hanger to use, CALL PNA. Please confirm via email that you have read and understand these requirements.
Dwain Neff
Good Afternoon,
Today our office was notified by our client Spectrum of an audit they recently performe. The result of this examination was that many inspections had wrong vacancy notices or no vacancy notices were posted at properties.
If this were to continue, we could lose their account with this Client and this would affect all our Inspectors statewide. In addition, in the past, Wells Fargo has levied heavy fines for Wells Fargo notices posted on non-Wells Fargo properties. If this were to occur you will be back-charged the amount of the fine and the cost of the inspection,since it is the responsibility of the Field Rep to complete the inspection as requested.
In order correct this situation, below are reminders on what vacancy notices are to be left at properties. In addition every order that is assigned to you will have attached the appropriate vacancy notice to print. Occasionally, the client has failed to attach the vacancy notice, then you must print it off the Resources Tab of IA.
Vacant Properties & Interior Inspections
It is required that a Vacancy Notice is always posted at the property when a vendor is performing a Property Condition, Occupancy Verification Inspection or an Interior Inspection (no postings are required for No Contact or Bankruptcy Inspections). If the Notice that was previously posted is missing, a new Notice must be posted at the time of the current inspection. Additionally, a photo of the Vacancy Notice must be taken at the time of the current inspection (with a date and time stamp).
It is required that a photo of the Certificate of Vacancy/Vacancy Certification be taken at the time of the inspection certifying that the inspector found the property to be vacant. The address, signature and date the inspection was completed must be visible in the photo. The Vacancy Cert is not posted at the property.
There are currently 4 order types that require three different Vacancy forms:
1. Wells Fargo which is identified in the instructions of an order or under the "Work Code"
2. DMI is identified by under the "Work Code" or under "Lender"
3. FAS (Field Asset Services) are identified in the instructions of the order; these are the majority of the orders.
Listed below the instructions for the different Vacancy orders you may receive along with the vacancy forms and screen shots on how to print the form attachments from InspectorAde.
4. American Mortgage Investment Properties is identified as the Lender.
1. Wells Fargo Instructions:
Wells Fargo which is identified in the instructions of an order or under the "Work Code". This Vacancy Form must be printed in Color to show the Blue header on this form. You are under no circumstance to leave the FAS Vacancy Notice at Wells Fargo properties. As a reminder, please read every order’s instructions to ensure that a new requirement on the order is not missed and to avoid having to return to the address to correct the inspection.
There are 3 types of Wells Fargo orders that are assigned to us which are:
1. Exterior Call Back
2. Exterior Inspection
3. No Contact- Only vacancy cert it required, no postings.
For any Wells Fargo order that is listed as EXTERIOR CALL BACK INSPECTION, the Wells Fargo Callback card needs to be left at the property if it's occupied or vacant although the instructions say "Do not Knock on the Door" The Call Back Card must still be placed at the Property preferably at the front door with photo . Even though in the instructions state the Call Back Card is supposed to have "Confidential [To be Opened by Occupant Only]" the actual callback card does not have that statement. Please write this on the envelope that the Call Back Card will be placed inside.
For orders Labeled Exterior Inspection for Wells Fargo you are only required to leave the Wells Fargo Vacancy Notice along with the standard Certificate of Vacancy form that needs to be filled out and photographed.
The Wells Fargo Vacancy notice needs to be left at all vacant properties except no contact for Wells Fargo orders, along with the standard Certificate of Vacancy form that needs to be filled out and photographed.
2. Field Asset Services (FAS)
This form is used for the majority orders that are received; these are FAS (Field Asset Services) and are identified in the instructions in the order. This form is to be placed at front door. For these orders there is a typo in the instructions on the Clients end which it reads "If this property is in Maryland and is Vacant, please write the inspected date on the MD Vacant Property Notice, and tape it to the front door" this instructions applies to all states.
3. DMI Vacancy Form :
Vacancy Notice will be left on the front door of the property.DMI is identified by under the "Work Code" or under "Lender".
4. American Mortgage Investment Properties
**** FOR PROPERTIES LISTED AS "American Mortgage Investment Properties " ONLY! Be sure to utilize the call back card attached to the info/comments page or on the resource tab. If contact is made make sure to put that in the comments. If no answer at the door, you must leave the call back card at the door and take a photo *** Watch this one carefully as the instructions for these door hangers has not been added to the instructions by Spectrum, yet.
Certificate of Vacancy form
This form is to be printed for all Spectrum vacancy inspections being signed, dated, and two vacancy indicators marked .This notice is NOT left at the home or posted to the door. This is to certify that you found the home vacant.
It is then to be scanned back on to InspectorAde as a PDF or clearly photographed as jpg.