Urgent memo
Good Afternoon to ALL Reps,
Please read this email all the way to the bottom… There are 3 key points.
Attention: Do Not go onto a property that is in Bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy inspections can only be completed from a public right of way. We have started seeing some Bankruptcy inspections coming back with photos taken on the property and inside the interior of the house. If you see the word Bankruptcy in the work code, or in the instructions, you must complete the inspection from a public right of way only. DO NOT post vacancy postings, door cards, or notices on Bankruptcy inspections. This includes most “No Contact” inspections. On the “No Contact” inspections, read the instructions to see if it is required to go onto the property. If the instructions do not indicate that it is ok for you to go onto the property, then do not go onto the property.
If you receive an inspection that has contradictory instructions to the work code call PNA for clarification.
Attention: You must report all damage on the IA report form.
Lack of Damage reporting continues to be an issue. If you see ANY damage at a property, you MUST report it ON THE FORM, AND TAKE PHOTOS. Taking photos of damage and/or making comments only about damage is NOT considered REPORTING DAMAGE. ONLY damage reported ON THE FORM is considered to be reported damage by the clients. If you only take photos, or make comments then you did not report the damage.
YOU are responsible for what YOU submit to PNA.
Attention: You must complete all work orders by the due date.
If you cannot complete a work order by the due date (for any reason) it is your responsibility to advise PNA.
I appreciate your attention to detail and cooperation.