SunTrust Personal Letter Delivery Campaign Procedures
SunTrust Personal Letter Delivery Campaign Procedures SunTrust Personal Letter Delivery Campaign Procedures & Grooming Guidelines to be followed Hello Everyone This weekly announcement is being sent as an added control to all of you to better assist in the full compliance of the critical items that must be followed without exception on all SunTrust Personal Letter Delivery assignments, including the necessary grooming guidelines to be followed on all RFS assignments. READ ATTACHMENT Below are the 5 Major Points that must be followed on all SunTrust Personal Letter Delivery Campaigns; along with the proper grooming guidelines to be followed when working on all of our assignments. 1. Certified Field Inspector Badge to be worn at all times. 2. The printing of the personal letter and envelope must be produced in a good quality printer. 3. NEVER EVER leave or hand the personal letter addressed to the SunTrust Customer unless they show you a pictured ID of themselves to show proof they are the Customer. 4. Under no circumstances are you to leave the personal letter with a 3rd party. 5. No call back card or note must be left at the subject property if no one is home. YOU MUST PRINT THE ENVELOPE WITH THE IMAGE PROVIDED WITH YOUR INSPECTION PLACEMENT! – (INDICATE IN YOUR PRINTER THAT YOU ARE PRINTING ENVELOPE A10) UNDER NO CIRCUNSTANCES ARE YOU TO LEAVE THE LETTERS WITHOUT THE PRINTED ENVELOPE SUNTRUST - ONLY PHOTO REQUIREMENTS! NO PHOTOS OF SUNTRUST CUSTOMER’S HOME!!! – TAKE PHOTO OF THE STREET NAME + STUFFED ENVELOPE SHOWING NAME AND ADDRESS (BEFORE YOU GET DOWN FROM YOUR CAR) ONLY. IN ORDER TO FULLY COMPLETE AND VALIDATE FOR PAYMENT. REMEMBER TO INCLUDE COMMENTS ON YOUR INSPECTIONS FOR EXAMPLE: No answer at door, letter not left Unknown male/female answered the door. Occupant would not ID verify, letter not left Mortgagor John Doe answered the door, verified ID and delivered letter